
Sunday, June 23, 2013

 Music and blog  that filled my Sunday morning. (and thank you Julia for this one)
How we exist and waste away without a warning...
I'm offering a humble gift, I will not hurt you...well you would save me in the storm...a prism of uncanny love that does not falter...if you want to we could work together...if you don't, well we'll never know..ride this baby as far as it will go-various lyrics to PRISM

Monday, June 3, 2013

"We identify our shadow, in other words, with that visible shape we see projected on the pavement or the whitewashed wall.  Since what we glimpse there is a being without depth, we naturally assume that shadows themselves are basically flat-and if we are asked, by a curious child, about the life of shadows we are apt to reply that their lives exist only in two dimensions." p.16

"The apparent gap between myself and that flat swath of darkness is what prompts me, now and then, to accept its invitation to dance, the two of us then strutting and ducking in an improvise pas de duex wherein it's never very clear which of us is leading and which is following." p.17

 Taken from the shadow-depth chapter in this book. I am slowly reading chapter by chapter and absorbing.  Abrams suggests in this chapter that our shadow is actually within that space existing between our bodies and that flat, dark shape we observe projected onto a service.  Apparently at high noon our shadow sinks into us-the time, of course, when no shadow is cast- which causes people to become tired and consequently take siestas.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hajime Soraya

I've enjoyed Hajime Soraya's work for a few years now.  One of his books was given to me by a friend.  She said for whatever reason it reminded her of my work.  I then later realized that I make my own version of pin-ups.

For a couple of months, I felt so at odds with this revelation-that my work and my outside interests/obsessions were idealized female forms.  I thought that I'd become one note and boring and that I was being controlled by the outside advertising entity-which I had, I hit a wall.  I don't why I hadn't considered this earlier, but beauty= the sublime for me.  I had always contemplated the idea of beauty as power and control.  You know, sexual power etc. etc. But I think what really put things in to perspective for me was reading/learning about the Cathedrale de Notre Dame de Paris.  The architects made it so ornate and beautiful with aims to inspire fear within the hearts of the citizens, thus creating a fear in the power of God.  Something so beautiful that they could never hope to attain to in their daily lives.  Thinking of beauty as an unattainable 'thing', thus associating it with God, made me think about my own views and, subsequently, my work. Can you find meaning in it?  On another note, this revelation (of sorts) made me reevaluate the concept 'my body is a temple.'  My interest in bones, being my interest in architecture as it existed in the human form.  Building people, building robots so to speak.
Blue BeamLeathergal#6
#83I don't know that beauty is boring, really, for me. I think I had been letting other people's opinions bother me too much.  I will always love Soraya's gynoids..
I think about you when your sleeping, and all the secrets that your keeping